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 There are around 20 million e-commerce sites that exist over the internet and in the next 15-20 years, it is expected that more than 90% of all purchases will take place via these online platforms. Most probably you`ve got an idea from this regarding how the startups like Amazon, Flipkart, etc. turned into the giant players of the market in a shorter span.  


 However, the process of Search Engine Optimization is crucial for all kinds of website but it has a more immense effect on eCommerce sites. This is because when it comes to online shopping, people often search for the required product on the search engine rather than searching for any particular e-commerce platform.

 1. Find Relevant & Optimized Keywords 

 Keywords are the leading player when it comes to eCommerce SEO, so you need to be very watchful and attentive while looking out for the keywords for your e-commerce platform. You should use those keywords that are highly relevant to your products. Before using a keyword for a product or category page, you must identify its search volume, cost-per-click, the user intent for using that particular keyword, or other factors. You can also analyze your competitors' websites to get keyword ideas. 


 Shem Rush 


 Wonder Search 

 In addition to mentioning  keywords in product titles, descriptions, and other areas in Keywords, etc., you can also use Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords on your web pages. And yes, don't try to overload or fill your web page  with these keywords. 

 2. Create a simple site architecture 

 The architecture of an e-commerce site has to do with the site navigation process  and how the website is organized into category or product web pages. It should be simple and accessible to both users and search engines. There are key rules to always keep in mind when working on  site architecture. It is stated that each product page should only take  three (or less) clicks from the main page. 



 3. Focus on the SEO of your page 

 On-page SEO has always been a major factor for any website to rank on  search engine results pages. When we talk about On-Page SEO in terms of an eCommerce site, it majorly concerns with the process of optimizing the product and category pages to rank higher for the particular keywords and get relevant traffic and conversion rates. 

However, the techniques for On-Page SEO of an eCommerce site are somehow similar to any other website but there are some additional approaches as well that you must keep into consideration. Some of the major On-page SEO techniques for an eCommerce site are listed below:  

 Use optimized meta titles and descriptions.  Use short and keyword-rich URLs. 

 Mention Product descriptions and include main & LSI keyword.  Add Schema Markup. Create internal links and more. In the meantime, use authentic, up-to-date, high-quality images or other infographics to get better results. Also, when doing on-page SEO for commercial sites, think not only  about  search engine rankings, but also user experience, and think that a good user experience will keep your audience  on your website.

 4. Write a unique description for each product 

 This is the most overlooked aspect when it comes to ecommerce SEO. And since there can be many products in similar categories on an e-commerce platform that can be justified somehow, it becomes quite difficult to write a unique description for each product. However, these same descriptions lead to duplicate content  issues that affect site rankings and consequently lower traffic and conversion rates.

 Write product descriptions of nearly 1000 words or more. Use your main keyword 3-5 times in your description. Scatter the LSI keywords appropriately (do not fill in irrelevant keywords). Add modifiers like buy now, discount, and  keywords like 50% off, free shipping, and more. Highlight product features and important details.

 5. Improve site loading speed 

 Let's say you turn on your smartphone or laptop and go shopping on the Internet. You are looking for a watch for yourself, so enter relevant keywords into your search engine. When you open your first ecommerce site on SERP, it will take plenty of time to load and navigate. What would you like?

 Certainly, you will close this site and go to another site. And this is the turning point. Large image sizes are an important reason why e-commerce sites load slowly. Ecommerce platforms mostly rely on product images, but anyway, it's not a good idea to compromise on image quality and standards. This allows you to optimize  images and reduce  file size without compromising image quality.



6. Build high-quality backlinks 

 Backlinks have always been considered  the most reliable and valuable SEO method for websites. And when it comes to SEO for ecommerce, it becomes even more important because your platform  can generate huge traffic on your site if it is recommended to your audience by some bona fide resource. 

When building backlinks, you need to remember that  third-party resources must be genuine and links must be relevant to your niche, as spam or irrelevant links can penalize your site.

 The best way to get quality backlinks is search engine preferred guest blogging. You can simply post the blogs related to your niche meanwhile you must ensure that apart from link building the posted content should be beneficial for the users. 

 7. Maintain Site Security 

 As an e-commerce platform deals with millions of user`s data and also, a large number of transactions take place on the platform every day so it becomes most important to maintain the security of the website. 

Moreover, considering the rapidly increasing cases of cyberattacks on e-commerce platforms such as leaking of financial credentials, account hacking, etc., users also become more cautious and prefer a more secure website. And yes, the search engine also takes the security level of your site into the consideration for ranking it on SERPs.  

These are some major SEO strategies for an e-commerce site that can help you to rank higher in the SERPs which further can get you more traffic and better conversion rates. So, don`t miss out on any chance and optimize your online platform to dominate the eCommerce market!! 


 What is the best ecommerce website structure for SEO?  How to SEO an eCommerce Site Structure 

 An ecommerce website should have a hierarchical structure. Your home page is at the top of the hierarchy and below you can have 2 or 3 levels before you reach the bottom of the hierarchy – your product pages. 

Which domain is best for ecommerce?

 Especially for e-commerce and retail.

 The store  has become a favorite among brands looking to open online stores. Ideal for any business that is in the "selling" business. 

What is the difference between SEO and Ecommerce SEO?

 SEO for Ecommerce and Non-Ecommerce:

 The Difference Between Strategies 

 Ecommerce  SEO focuses on optimizing your online store to increase  visibility and increase sales, whereas non-ecommerce SEO focuses on improving your website's visibility and ranking  to attract more visitors and increase brand awareness. 

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